Membership meeting change

Posted: 31st March 2020 by President in Announcements
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With the CDC and MN department of health recommendations to stay at home the BoD has changed our monthly meeting to an online meeting. This poses a slight challenge for the membership portion of the meeting which happens on the first Tuesday of each month.

CRA members that would like to ‘attend’ the meeting on April 7th, please reach out to When we get this GoToMeeting set up we can get those who would like to attend the necessary login info.

This is an opportunity for members to bring items to the board for consideration. The membership portion of this meeting will start at 7 pm, and be limited on time.

We will not yet have answers on any schedule or event change questions. These items I am certain will be a topic of discussion during the board meeting which happens directly after.

Thanks, Brett D. Pres.

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