June Presidents Report

Posted: 6th June 2020 by President in Announcements
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The bizarre year of 2020 has been challenging! With the latest (as of the end of May) changes in the regulations by our Governor, we are a go for racing our Double Sprint weekend! There will be a COVID release form that everyone will need to sign that is included in this newsletter email. Our back to the track protocols will also be published very soon.

Like many other race organizations, there will be no spectators. We have to ask this because of the (current as of 6/1) restrictions placed by the Governor on racetracks throughout the state. In light of those restrictions, we are also asking that there be no extra ‘non-essential’ attendees. We ask those of you who are volunteering or racing, to not bring any extra people. There may be potential for the restriction to change as we get closer to the June weekend, but at this point, we have to plan on the attendance cap the Governor has in place (250 people).

Watching the MotoAmerica event last weekend with no fans was weird. And asking people to not come is such a weird place to be. But it is important that we follow the guidelines set forth by the State and the CDC; most importantly for the safety and well being of all of our volunteers, racers, and BIR Staff, but also so that there are no repercussions for BIR or the CRA. Keep in mind that if our attendance exceeds the State’s limits, this could put BIR in a spot where they could have to turn people away at the gate.

There will also be some changes in registration, rider meetings, and worker meetings to minimize close quarters or personal contact. All of these guidelines are outlined by the CDC, and we as a club will have to do everything we can to adhere to those CDC guidelines.
Is this stuff fun??? NO!!! However, if you’re like me and love road racing motorcycles and hanging at the track with the most awesome group of people in the world… We can work together as a club to stay within these temporary guidelines so we can get back to the track! I know that I am prepared to do so!

Please be prepared to pre-register, print, and sign the COVID release BEFORE you come to the track if at all possible. These will need to be signed or turned in for each person at the gate before you can enter. We want to minimize contact between those entering the track and those working the gate, so having this release printed and ready when you get to the gate will really help streamline the process.

Covid release should be attached to the newsletter email or find it under forms and documents, link on home page.

Pre-Reg will be open Saturday 6/6, and it will be open until Thursday night before the event at 5 pm.

A very important topic that we need to communicate ahead of time is that we are going to be required to spread out in the paddock area. BIR is being required to keep 50 feet between paddock spots and campsites. This may pose a little bit of a challenge, however, I trust that all of you will do the best you can to spread out.

As you all can appreciate this year and the situation is still pretty fluid, and there is still the possibility of last-minute changes to any and/or all of these regulations and criteria. So please keep that in mind and stay tuned to the website for any updates.

We are doing everything we can to have a SAFE and fun event. I know that BIR is as well, but just like 2020 we just don’t know what will happen next.
One last thing to keep in mind, the CRA and Steward team have a safety plan which has minimum requirements for corner staffing. So if you are coming to volunteer please let the F&C Chiefs know, they usually send out an email before the event. It will be super helpful for the club if you can let them know! Also for those of you that are coming to race or crew, we may need to have some people help out. Keep it in mind, even just a half-day helping staff a corner station can really help, it is also a great way to learn about the track and how the club operates.

I guess I should probably get started putting my motorcycle back together…

Honored to be serving the club, Brett D. #67

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