Rules Input Requested

Posted: 23rd June 2014 by Vice President in Announcements, Racers
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The CRA has recently been challenged with a situation regarding Superbike rules. As you may imagine it is impossible to develop rules that cover all potential scenarios. A liberal interpretation of our rules has resulted in a situation whereby a motorcycle that typically qualifies for a higher class has been de-stroked (effectively reducing its displacement) to meet the CC requirements of a lower class. Some feel this has created an unfair advantage, as a motorcycle like this was not originally designed or homologated for the class it is currently competing in.

The CRA board of directors is seeking comments and input regarding the general memberships’ opinion on this situation. Please direct your input to These comments will be confidential. Comments and responses to this post on the MNSBR forum will be deleted. Both are in an effort to provide everyone with input the ability to express it freely. The CRA Board of Directors would also welcome your input in person at our next Membership Meeting, Tuesday July 1, at 6:30PM, at the Richfield VFW, 6715 Lake Shore Dr S, Richfield.

Please offer your input within the next week. Thank you.

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